Dr. Narine Oganyan

  • Deputy Head of the Research Department of Physicochemical and Electrical Measurements of VNIIFTRI (Rosstandart, Russia), metrologist since 2006, scientific organizer of the International Scientific and Technical Conference "Metrology of Physicochemical Measurements" and scientific editor of the Conference Proceedings
  • Member of the Executive Committee of CITAC (Cooperation on International Traceability in Analytical Chemistry),
  • member of COOMET expert group on the assessment of CMC (calibration and measurement capabilities of state metrological institutes of the countries signed the Metric Convention) at the KCWG CCQM
  • expert at ISO/TC281 "Fine technologies" and ISO/TC24/SC4 "Particle metrology", at the working group on reference materials of the scientific and technical committee on metrology of the Interstate Agreement (WGRM of EASC STKMetr), at COOMET/TC 1.12 "Reference materials"
  • Chairwoman of the Rosstandart commission for electrochemical measurements in liquid media
  • member of the Department "Quality of Life and Metrology" of the Interregional Public Organization "Academy of Quality Problems"
  • author of more than 40 scientific

Dr. Samuel Wunderli

Short description of professional development 

  • Chemistry Studies at ETH Zürich, diploma degree (dipl.chem.ETH)
  • Doctorate studies in inorganic analytical chemistry at ETH Zürich, doctor degree (Dr.sc..nat.ETH), laboratory chemistry assistant for students of chemisty, of pharmacy, environmental science.
  • EMPA scientific collaborator for 17 years in three different positions: air chemistry (data mining, statistics, measurements), organic trace analysis and customer problems solving (dioxins, PCBs, PAH, etc.), chemical metrology (IDMS, IRM, pure materials)
  • METAS scientific collaborator for 10 years (reference vales for clinical chemical Measurement, chemical activity measurement and systems for ions, glucose, metrological reference measurements, etc.
  • Since 2015 owner and CEO of the scientific consulting company ’atomolmetrion GmbH’

Some additional tasks in the professional frame above:

  • Expert for laboratory accreditation under ISO 17025 requirements
  • Expert for CRM production under ISO 17034 requirements
  • Lecturer in analytical chemistry
  • Scientific adviser for chemical analytical metrology work
  • CITAC secretary 2010-‐2017
  • Reviewer for a number of analytical chemical journals

Dr. Vasilisa Baranovskaya

Baranovskaya Vasilisa, Dr. Sc. (Analytical Chemistry), the Head of the Multiple-Access Center for Physical Research Methods on the base of  Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry by N.S. Kurnakov of the RAS (IGIC RAS), a chief researcher.

In addition:

  • President of the Association of Analytical Centers of Russia "Analitica"
  • Titular member of the Analytical Chemistry Division of the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
  • The National Representative of Russia in the European Community for Metrology in Analytical Chemistry (Eurachem)
  • Expert of the State Research and Design Institute of Rare Metal Industry "Giredmet"
  • Associate Professor, National Research Technological University MISiS
  • Chief editor of the scientific and technical journal "Analytics"

Dr. Natalya Muravskaya

Natalya Muravskaya is a doctor on Technical Sciences. She used to work as Deputy Director on Quality of VNIIOFI. She was Chair of both the Technical committee TC 3.1 "Quality Forum" and the Technical committee TC 1.8/ SC 2  "Metals and Alloys" of COOMET. More than 30 types of research on reference materials of alloy compositions, more than 80 procedures for measuring components in alloy by various spectral methods, including 8 reference procedures, were carried out under the leadership of Dr. N. Muravskaya. She has been the honorary metrologist of the Russian Federation and the honorary metrologist of COOMET.

Dr. Egor Sobina

Dr. Egor Sobina has been Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry area since 2009 and Dr. of Science in Metrology area since 2020.  He began his career at UNIIM in 2004. Since October 2020, he is the Director of UNIIM – Affiliated Branch of the D.I. Mendeleyev Institute for Metrology (Rosstandart). More than 200 methods of verification and calibration of physicochemical measuring instruments, more than 50 types of GSO – certified reference materials, as well as state standards GET 210 and GVET 196-1 were developed under the leadership of E. Sobina. He is the Chairman of the COOMET TС 1.8/ SC 3 "Inorganic analysis". He is a reviewer of COOMET within the framework of COOMET and CIPM. He is the Head of the learning basis Department "Metrology of reference materials", a member of ISO/REMCO and has more than 150 publications.

Dr. Elena Kulyabina

Dr. Elena Kulyabina is Head of the Laboratory for Metrological Support of Biological and Information Technologies, VNIIMS (Rosstandart). Has been working in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements for 26 years - developing tools and methods for metrological support of physicochemical and biological measurements performed in the fields of bioanalysis, laboratory and forensic medicine, studying the characteristics of proteins, DNA, RNA viruses, catalytic concentration of enzymes, environmental control, ensuring food quality.
She is an associate professor of the Russian Technological University "RTU-MIREA" in the disciplines "Risk Management in Business Systems" and "Modern Technologies and Methods of Scientific Research", as well as, Academician of the Metrological Academy of the Russian Federation, expert in CCQM PAWG (Protein Analysis) and JCTLM (Joint Committee on Traceability in Laboratory Medicine). Has about 80 publications.
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